eBooks & Online Resources
Below you will find links to interesting library resources. Check back periodically to see what has been added.
Sora - Check out our Sora eBook library collection online. You can also find the Sora icon on your ClassLink dashboard. Sign in using your school Google login.
Shelver - Students will put books in call number order. Students choose the type of call numbers they would like to work on (fiction or Dewey) and the level of difficulty.
Tumblebooks - an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love. Remember to use the username and password given to you at school.

Storyline Online - An award-winning children's literacy website, Storyline Online, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children's books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
Audible Stories - Listening to stories has the same benefit as reading with one's eyes. Audible Stories is now offering, at no charge, a large collection of stories which are organized into a variety of categories, including:
- Littlest Learners
- Elementary
- Tween
- Teen
- Literary Classics
- Folk and Fairy Tales for All
Storynory - Collection of a variety of stories and tales in video format as well as in audio and text. They are also accessible via the iOS or Android app that you can get on your device. Students can read the story on the screen while listening to the audio recording, enhancing their reading and listening skills.
Wordpreneur blog - Info about free eBooks from Amazon and Project Gutenberg.
MackinVIA - collection of eBooks through Mackin; see your librarian for login info