Casey Fedako » Important Information

Important Information

prek info
*Please arrive to school on time.  The students should be sitting in my classroom by 7:50.  This is when the tardy bell will ring.  You may walk your child to my classroom door the first two weeks of school.  After those two weeks, please drop them off in the morning.   You may either drop them off at the cafeteria doors or the pickup/dropoff line that runs through the south parking lot at the school.  It can be very hectic around the school in the morning, so please make sure you allow enough time to drop your child off.  The doors at the south end of the building will lock at 7:50.  If you arrive after this time, you will need to check into the office and walk your child to my classroom door. 
*Check your child's communication folder daily and sign the behavior chart.  This folder will hold important information, forms you may need to sign, your child's schoolwork, etc.  Please take out any papers on the 'keep' side of the folder. 
*If your child is absent from school, please send a note as to why they were out.  Your child's absence will be excused if you send a note.  The note should be put in a sealed envelope and placed in your child's communication folder. 
*There will be a snack calendar sent home in your child's communication folder at the beginning of each month.  I will also send home a red snack bag in your child's backpack when it is their turn to bring snack.  If you see the snack bag in your child's backpack, it means you need to bring snack the next day.  This is where you can place the snack when sending it to school.  Drinks are not mandatory, but the kids love them!  Some great snack ideas are; goldfish, cheese/peanut butter crackers, fruit, fruit snacks, pretzels, etc.  Capri Suns and water are great drink choices.
*Your child will need a small nap mat.  You can usually find the blue/red foldable ones at Wal-Mart.  These are great nap mats.  Please make sure you write your child's name on the mat.  It will stay at school all year long.  Your child may bring a small pillow & blanket to school to sleep with.  I will send the items home each Friday so they can be washed.  Please return them each Monday.  Do not send large pillows, sleeping bags, comforters, etc.  These items are too large and I do not have space to store them. 
*Your child will need an extra change of clothes in case of potty accidents.  Please place a shirt, shorts/pants, undergarments, socks, and an old pair of shoes in a large Ziploc bag.  Your child's name will need to be on all of the clothes & the Ziploc bag.  This will stay at school in your child's cubby.  Even if your child never has potty accidents, they will still need a change of clothes.  Accidents DO happen!
*If you are changing your child's transportation route, please send a note in your child's backpack.  You can write this on the Notes section of the behavior chart, or on a separate piece of paper.  If on a separate piece of paper, it will need to be placed in a sealed envelope.  You can also call the school to let the office know of the change, but it must be before 2:30.
*School will dismiss each day around 3:15/3:20.  If your child is a car rider, you will need to have the car tag visible on the rear view mirror.  If you do not have the car tag, we will not be able to send your child with you.  We do this as a safety precaution. 
Please make sure you pick your child up on time!
*If you have any questions, please contact me at any time.