PE Grading Policy
Pre K - 5th Grade Your child’s P.E. grade is based upon participation and behavior. We document in our grade book every time your child wears the wrong shoes, does not have shorts under skirts or dresses, wears short shorts, has excessive absences, gets a discipline sheet, or has to sit out 5 minutes for making a bad choice. If your child does not have any marks in the grade book at the end of the six weeks, he or she will receive an “E” which is excellent. If he or she has 1 or 2 marks, your child is satisfactory and receives an “S”. Three to five marks equals an “N” which stands for needs improvement. Six marks or more in the grade book over the course of one six weeks will result in a “U” which is unsatisfactory. If your child earns an office referral during PE, his or her grade will automatically drop to an "N" for that six weeks. |